Technology and health tips

I’ve heard it all year long. The old adage, ‘less is more’, and the new one, ‘more is better’. In an increasingly competitive healthcare landscape, quality of life has become a top concern for patients and healthcare providers alike. As such, innovative solutions to keep patients healthy have been introduced with increasing frequency this year. From smart-meters to clinical video monitoring devices, many healthcare providers and technology companies have come up with innovative solutions to ease patients’ burden. Here are some of the most effective technologies and health tips of the year.

Jelly Roll Adapters

Jelly Roll Adapters are contactive devices that monitor a patient’s cardiovascular system and manage fluid and electrolyte balance. The printed user manual and business case can provide the patient with vital information, like how much fluid they need to drink, how often they need to be monitored, and what is involved in the routine care of the patient. When patients first start using jelly roll adapters, they’re often flatteringly referred to as ‘jelly rolls’. These devices are intended to be handheld medical devices that are worn on the patient’s wrist.

Smart- Growth

Smart growth can be defined as the idea that technology can be used to create a healthy and sustainably-able environment for all stakeholders in the healthcare system. In healthcare, this can range from healthcare providers who are able to offer better access to care for all members of the healthcare system to patients and their families who are able to better control their healthcare costs. Providers can also be able to use smart growth to manage how often they have to reschedule appointments, set up appointments for the same day, and manage their medications.

Healthcare Is Nothing But Health Care

Many healthcare providers have been exploring the applications of software and robotics in the last few years. The timing was right, as healthcare was experiencing a significant growth spurt and healthcare organizations were looking to leverage the existing investment in robotics and software to meet the growing demand for healthcare services. It’s no secret that the healthcare system is a complex, intertwined system with a lot of layers of protection. That being said, having the ability to quickly and accurately manage operations and reduce complications has become even more important in a medical system as complex as ours.

Breathing Technology

At its core, breathing technology is a combination of mechanical and digital devices. With this kind of combination working together, one part can affect the other and have an effect on a person’s entire body. For example, if you catch a heavy cold, your body may simply fail to produce enough oxygen for your lungs to take in the necessary amount of carbon dioxide. If you’re not able to breathICE at all, you may need help breathing into a machine to assist you.

Video Monitoring Devices

Healthcare providers have been using video monitoring devices (VMDs) to manage a wide range of issues for years. These devices monitor a patient’s cardiac condition and vital signs, like their breathing rate, blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygen saturation, and are usually connected to an electronic health record (EHR). Some of the most effective and widespread VMDs in the world are Apple watches, Android watches, and Samsung watches. Each of these devices has their own unique set of challenges and abilities that help to make them stand out from the competition. But it’s not just the devices’ design that sets them apart. It’s also the way that healthcare providers use them.


In a year filled with innovation, it’s easy to forget about one of the most consistent and effective technologies and health tips of the year. While there have been some disruptions in the competitive healthcare landscape this year, many of the successful technologies and health tips continue to work as intended. We hope this list has provided some clear and effective examples of how new technologies and healthcare providers are working together to improve patient outcomes and quality of life.