Smoking is injurious to your health. Research shows that there are serious risks associated with smoking, including heart disease, lung cancer and an increased risk of stroke. Quitting now can greatly improve your health, but if you are having trouble quitting on your own, talk to your doctor about ways to help you quit for good. A doctor can recommend the best options to help you stop smoking and ensure it’s done safely. After all, quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do to improve your health and longevity!Here's The Reason Why We Should Stop Smoking?
1. Cigarette Smoke Contains Over 4,000 Chemicals:
Despite some positive changes in the past decade, smoking remains a major health hazard. The chemicals in cigarette smoke can cause cancer and other serious diseases, and it’s been linked to the development of heart disease. Smoking causes an increased risk for developing stroke, high blood pressure, bronchitis, pneumonia and asthma. Second-hand smoke from smoking outside or on public transportation can also be hazardous to bystanders as well as children in the home who may not have a choice but to breathe toxic fumes. But quitting is easier than you might think! There are now many programs that help people quit through social support, education and different types of treatments.
Feel better after only one day without cigarettes! Research has shown that by quitting just two days before an important event like a job interview or family gathering, smokers increase their chances of success. To help with the withdrawal symptoms that come with quitting, experts recommend nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) such as patches, gum or lozenges to reduce cravings and manage withdrawal symptoms, your body will heal itself; you'll soon feel healthier than you've ever felt before!
These chemicals increase your risk of Cancer. Cigarette smoke contains more than 7,000 chemicals, including many that are harmful and cancer-causing. These chemicals include ammonia, formaldehyde, acetone and arsenic. The more you smoke, the higher your risk for cancer. For instance, smokers have a 20-25% chance of developing lung cancer as opposed to non-smokers who have less than a 5% chance. Smoking also increases your chances of getting bronchitis or emphysema and it can cause other health problems like heart disease or stroke. It can also affect the social aspects of your life since people may not want to be around you due to the smell on your clothes or in your hair.
2. Cigarette Smoke Damages Your Lungs:
It may not seem like cigarette smoke can do much harm, but it’s actually full of carcinogens and other toxins that can have a devastating effect on your health. When you inhale tobacco smoke, the chemicals enter your lungs where they are trapped and stay there for a long time. This can lead to chronic bronchitis, which makes it difficult for you to breathe, as well as lung cancer.
Cigarette smoke also causes emphysema and asthma, both of which make it more difficult to breath. Smoking is also known to increase risk of heart disease, stroke and coronary artery disease, according to WebMD.
The good news is if you stop smoking now, these risks will decline over time; however there are some risks that will always be present. For example, people who smoke while pregnant often have children with low birth weight or premature birth – which put them at risk for diseases such as cerebral palsy or respiratory distress syndrome.
3. Secondhand Smoke is Just As Dangerous:
smoke can be just as dangerous as smoking. Breathing in the smoke that other people have released into the air can be harmful for everyone around it, including children and pets. Secondhand smoke contains many of the same poisons found in first-hand smoke, such as carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, hydrogen cyanide, and ammonia. These poisons are what cause cancers and lung diseases like asthma.
Children who grow up in homes with smokers will have a higher risk of developing illnesses such as bronchitis or pneumonia than those who grow up in non-smoking households. One study has shown that children living in households where there was one smoker had three times the odds of having an ear infection than those living in a nonsmoking household.
Secondhand smoke causes about 3,000 deaths each year from lung cancer and coronary heart disease among nonsmokers who live or work with smokers. It is estimated that these numbers could increase to as many as 43,000 deaths each year if all secondhand smokers were exposed to substantial amounts of tobacco smoke at home or work.
4. Quitting Smoking Reduces Your Risk Of These Health Problems:
Smoking is injurious to your health and can lead to a variety of health problems including heart disease, lung cancer, and stroke. Quitting smoking reduces your risk of these health problems. It doesn't matter how old you are or how long you've smoked for. The sooner you quit the healthier you'll be. - Quitting smoking improves your chances of living longer.
- You're less likely to experience respiratory problems like chronic bronchitis or emphysema if you stop.
- Smokers who quit before age 40 cut their chances of getting heart disease in half. - If you don't smoke, breathing secondhand smoke won't make any difference in your health because it does not contain harmful substances like tobacco smoke does.